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Power Up Your Inhibition: Unlock the Advantages of Gaming!

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

Medically reviewed by Sarah Seeman, OTR/L — written by PLAYWORK.

In today’s world, there is an increasing need to develop and maintain cognitive skills. One such cognitive skill is inhibitory control, which is the ability to regulate our behavior and thoughts to achieve desired goals. A great way to improve this skill is through the use of games.

Games offer an engaging and interactive learning environment and an opportunity for individuals to develop their cognitive skills in a fun and engaging way. The interactive nature of games encourages actively participating and staying-on a task, which can help to develop a better understanding of inhibitory control (Inhibition).

Games can help improve inhibitory control in the following ways:

· Increase motivation to achieve individual or group goals

· Improve motor control

· Increase social skills though group activities

· Improve attention span

· Improve executive functions; Planning, working memory, decision making, and staying on task

· Improve emotional regulation/ self-control

Demonstrating: Planning, decision making, emotional regulation & self-control

The video below exhibits the following: Player needs to shoot darts on a circling tree trunk. But the real challenge here is to wait patiently and do it only on the right time in order to get the bonuses (hitting an apple) and avoid faults (hitting a dart that was already shot before). This way of rewarding an act of waiting and taking, is another way for practicing restraint, inhibition and self-control.

Problem solving skills

Furthermore, games can help individuals develop problem-solving skills. By playing games, individuals can learn how to break down a problem, weigh different options and make the best decision in order to reach a desired outcome. This can help individuals to develop better problem-solving skills, which can be beneficial in many areas of life.

Success in achieving daily life goals

Finally, through the use of games, individuals can practice the skills they have learned in order to strengthen their inhibitory control. This can help them to become more successful in achieving their goals and gain a better understanding of how to use inhibitory control in their daily lives, learn new skills, develop problem-solving strategies and practice what they have learned to become more successful in achieving their goals.

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