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Engaging Kids with Sensory Difficulties: Unleashing Potential with Innovative technology

Medically reviewed by Liron Shnitzer, OT — written by PLAYWORK.

Frequently asked question by Pediatric Therapists is "How can we effectively engage children with sensory processing challenges in therapeutic activities?"

Sensory processing Difficulties can significantly impact a child's ability to engage and participate in everyday activities. Occupational therapists play a crucial role in helping children overcome these challenges and develop essential skills. One effective approach to address sensory processing issues is through engaging meaningful therapeutic activities, providing deep touch, pressure, joint compressions, guidance for carrying weight and performing correct handling of weight bearing. Today new smart technologies offer innovative solutions that can be a valuable part of the therapeutic toolkit.

Understanding Sensory Processing difficulties: Sensory processing refers to how the nervous system receives and responds to sensory information from the environment. Children with sensory processing Difficulties may struggle with processing sensory stimuli like touch, sound, taste, smell, and movement. This can lead to difficulties in eating, playing, dressing, focusing, regulating emotions, and participating in various activities.

Effective Engagement Strategies: Occupational therapists often employ creative and tailored strategies to engage children with sensory processing Difficulties in therapeutic activities. These strategies aim to provide the right level of sensory input to help children regulate their responses and gradually adapt to sensory stimuli. Activities that combine movement, proprioception, feedback, touch, and visual stimuli can be particularly effective.

Introducing the PLAYBALL Smart Therapy Ball: The PLAYBALL Smart Therapy Ball is an innovative tool designed to support children with sensory processing challenges. It combines technology with physical activity to create a unique sensory experience. The ball is equipped with sensors that respond to motion and touch, providing real-time feedback to the child and therapist.

How PLAYBALL Enhances Engagement:

  1. Multi-Sensory Experience: The PLAYBALL engages multiple senses simultaneously, helping children integrate sensory input more effectively. This can lead to improved sensory modulation and better self-regulation.

  2. Interactive Feedback: The real-time feedback provided by the PLAYBALL helps children understand their movements and responses. This promotes self-awareness and empowers them to adjust their actions, fostering a sense of control.

  3. Motivation and Fun: The interactive nature of the PLAYBALL turns therapeutic activities into engaging games. This enhances motivation and enthusiasm, making therapy sessions more enjoyable for children.

  4. Progress Tracking: The PLAYBALL's technology allows therapists to track a child's progress over time. This data-driven approach enables therapists to tailor activities and interventions more effectively.

  5. Meaningful tasking: Studies show that there is a high efficiency in assimilating the sensory input when performing a goal-directed action

  6. Optimal sensorimotor development: When the child moves his body in therapy independently (without an external factor) it is likely that an efficient motor pattern will develop and a more efficient assimilation of the sensory input.

  7. Eenvironment adjustment : An adaptive response develops in an environment familiar to the child, which allows practice with the ball (without distractions, in a natural environment)

  8. Weight bearing, deep touch and proprioception which can be performed and achieved during bilateral/unilateral practice (by pressing the ball).

In conclusion, engaging children with sensory processing difficulties in therapeutic activities is essential for their growth and development. The PLAYBALL Smart Therapy Ball offers a unique way to address these challenges by providing a multi-sensory experience, interactive feedback, and a fun approach to therapy. By incorporating innovative tools like the PLAYBALL into occupational therapy sessions, therapists can create engaging and effective interventions that help children thrive in their sensory-rich world.In the world of rehabilitation, personalized care has found a new ally: smart technological equipment. This dynamic duo brings a range of advantages that are transforming the recovery journey.

Personalized rehab with smart tech means tailored treatment plans that adapt to individual needs, leading to more effective outcomes. Real-time monitoring and feedback ensure precise exercises and faster progress. Engagement soars as gamification and interactive interfaces turn rehab into an enjoyable experience. Data-driven insights refine treatments, and remote rehab options break down barriers to care. The fusion of personalized rehab and smart tech isn't just a partnership; it's a revolution that's paving the way for a more connected, effective, and engaging path to recovery.

Video example: Personlized game \ training levels in the SMART PLAYBALL system:

Imagine PLAYBALL, the smart therapy ball: this innovative example of this synergy. With personalized rehab settings, PLAYBALL can be customized to cater to the unique needs of each patient. For instance, a patient recovering from a wrist injury can have the ball's resistance and exercises adjusted to match their current strength and mobility levels. In cases of joint replacements, the smart ball can be programmed to gradually increase resistance as the patient's range of motion improves. This refers of course to supervised training at the clinic, if any other self-training is conducted by patient at home, it should be instructed and guided by a qualified therapist in advance.

To learn more about our smart hand therapy ball visit

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