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Smart Autism Ball: Autism Help With PlayBall

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

"PlayBall by PlayWork Technology can be an important tool for evaluation, treatment and increase the motivation of people with ASD - Autism spectrum disorder"

Currently, one of the troublesome and common disorders for kids in the USA and worldwide is about 2% or more of all children are diagnosed with autism spectrum. Many resources are spent nationwide yearly for research and treating kids with autism. Just recently, to federal government published the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act (CARES), which allocates $1.8 billion in funding over five years to help people with autism spectrum disorder and their families.

Autism is known as a “spectrum” disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. ASD occurs in all ethnic, racial, and economic groups. Although ASD can be a lifelong disorder, treatments and services can improve a person’s symptoms and ability to function.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior as well as motor and social-emotional difficulties. Kids on the autism spectrum are often delayed in acquiring motor skills that require motor dexterity (e.g., bicycle riding, handwriting, tying shoelaces, opening a jar, etc.) and may appear clumsy. Many of these young people exhibit an odd gait or posture, poor coordination, problems with conceptual learning, difficulty with visual-motor integration, and trouble with visual-perceptual skills.

Signs and Symptoms of ASD

  • People with ASD have difficulty with social communication and interaction

  • Difficulty with communication and interaction with other people

  • Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors

  • Symptoms that hurt the person’s ability to function properly in school, work, and other areas of life

  • Having a lasting intense interest in certain topics, such as numbers, details, or facts

  • Having overly focused interests, such as with moving objects or parts of objects

  • Being able to learn things in detail and remember information for long periods of time

  • Being strong visual and auditory learners

  • Excelling in math, science, music, or art

The relationship between computers and autism

The relationship between computers and autism is undisputed – and double-edged.

Many autism experts agree with Temple Grandin, an author, and professor at

Colorado State University, herself is autistic, who believes that without "the gifts of

autism" there would probably be no Nasa or IT industry.

Research at Nottingham University and Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh

has found that people with autism value the increased control over their interactions that is afforded by the filter of a computer screen. They can observe interactions, choose when to be sociable, and make contact with other people who have autism.

Using PlayBall for Autism

Playball is an interactive therapy ball that allows patients to play interactive games while performing a variety of interactive ball exercises. The device is especially recommended by therapists for use by kids with ASD and for practicing various skills like Coordination (uni & bilateral), Visual-spatial orientation and perception, visual tracking, timing & restraint, increase strength and attention span. As a motivational tool, it can also be used for behavioral modification and in group work it used to promote social skills. PlayBall is used almost at any relevant settings including schools, recreational, therapeutic (both in\outpatient), and at home.

The PlayWork Technology can be an important tool for evaluation, treatment and increase motivation of people with ASD. The smart 'PlayBall' addresses a real need in this market and has tremendous potential as an assistive treatment tool for all kids with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

PLAYBALL comes with a dedicated "Autism" manual with recommendations about each game, which skills are trained and what ages and levels of functions will benefit from it - see example in the imahe below.

Use the link to download the PlayBall "Autism user recommendations" to learn more about how to use PlayBall for Autism.

To learn more about PLAYBALL visit >>




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